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16、What was your least favorite job?我不太喜歡從事科學(xué)研究之類的工作,在我看來這種工作是枯燥乏味的,相比之下我更喜歡與人打交道,古語說的好,讀萬卷書不如行萬里路。行萬里路不如閱人無數(shù)。I do not like t

16、What was your least favorite job?


I do not like the work of scientific research. In my opinion, this kind of job is boring. Compared with scientific research, I prefer to communicate with people. Just like the old saying, traveling is better than reading ten thousand books. Journey is not as good as reading countless people.

17、How long will you stay with our airline? What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?


First of all I have to say I love this profession, so I would like to devote all to this career till I can not contribute anything to this job. I will manage to fulfill my duties without any complain.

18、What would your coworkers say about you?你的同事是怎么談?wù)撃愕?



My friends said I am reliable, because I will fulfill all the promises that I made. I will not make a promise if I can not do that. My friends also think I am an easy-going person. Because I like to consider the problems on the other’s point of view, I can make friens with different kind of people.

19、What would your previous supervisors say about you?他說我是個(gè)很上進(jìn)的人,責(zé)任心很強(qiáng),因?yàn)槲铱偰艹~完成任務(wù),所以他說我是個(gè)很有能力的人。

He said I am a positive person with strong sense of responsibility. I can over fulfill the task, so he also think I am a good employee who has ability.

20、What were the people like at your last company?


Everyone there is friendly. They would greet me with smile every morning. They will never isolate anyone and there is no cheating between them. I like to work with them I feel happy to work under this situation. When I feel sad, my colleague there will encourage me to make me feel that I am not lonely. I get along with them well. We are like a family..

21、What did you dislike about your last employer?我沒有不喜歡我的上一個(gè)老板,他是個(gè)很熱心的人,而且具有組織能力,和經(jīng)濟(jì)頭腦,他沒有任何領(lǐng)導(dǎo)架子,很平易驚人,對(duì)我們每一個(gè)人都很好,所有跟他接觸過的人都很喜歡他。

I like my last boss. He is enthusiastic with strong ability of organization. He is an easygoing person with good economic mind and treats every staff. Well. All the people will like him if they know about him. .

22、If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?


I do not think he needs to change anything. He is very nice..If I have to choose one, I hope that he can become thin, though he looks cute now.

23、Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?


Yes, I am satisfied with my performance. I managed to do the things that I should do and treated every people around me sincerely. I have done my best to help my colleagues and have never done something regretful.

24、Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?


I think he is satisfied with me. Because I always have a good attitude toward the job and fulfill the task he arranged to me in advance, and do my best to bring benefits to the company. 25、Have you ever been fired?


Never. Salesman is my first job. I resigned two months ago.

26、Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?


I did not have such experience until now. But I believe I can find a better job because of my ability.

27、Can we check your references? andWhat will your references say?你的證書能說明什么?


28、How many sick days did you take last year?去年你請(qǐng)了多少病假


My healthy condition is good. I am healthy. I have never asked for leave because of sickness last year.

29、Is this typical?(這是什么面試問題,沒看懂)

Personality and Motivation

30、Do you consider yourself a success?


The meaning of success is broad. For me success is to fulfill the goal that I have set. I will depart my ultimate goal in to many small goals. And realize these small goals one by one so that I can get my ultimate goal in the near future.





