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  1、This is Spokance international information Kilo. The 1455 Greenwich observation, sky obscured, measured ceiling 400 overcast, visibility 3 miles, light snow and fog, temp 30degF, dew point 26

1、This is Spokance international information Kilo. The 1455 Greenwich observation, sky obscured, measured ceiling 400 overcast, visibility 3 miles, light snow and fog, temp 30degF, dew point 26 degF, wind 160 degrees at 8 knots, altimeter 29.98. ILS approach in use, landing runway 21.

這是Spokance國際情報K,國際時間1455觀測:天空模糊不清,實測云8/8 400英尺,能見度3海里,小雪,有霧,溫度華氏30度,露點溫度華氏26度,風160度8海里,高度表修正29.98英寸,使用ILS進近,著陸使用跑道21號。

2、Raleigh-Durham information Oscar,2353 Greenwich weather, estimated ceiling 2000 feet overcast, visibility 7 miles, light rain, temp 9, dew point 5, wind 17004, altimeter 29.75, expect ILS approach landing runway 23, stage 3 departures. Advise clearance delivery on 121.1 of intended heading and altitude, advise you have Oscar.


3、This is information R, expect runway 32 ILS approach, PAR is unserviceable due to maintenance until further notice. Amend Tokyo 0630 until 1030 moderate turbulence forecast from Tokyo to Senai and Miho between FL220 and FL340, moving east 10 knots, intensity no change. Inform that you have read information R.

這是情報R,預計使用32號跑道盲降進入,精密進近雷達不能使用,因為維護,等候進一步通知。修正東京到Senia和Miho從飛行高度層220到340之間中度顛簸區(qū)以10海里速度向東移動,強度無變化,當你已收到情報R時請通知。 4、This is Peking airport information M. Weather report time 1400 Peking, wind 350 at 8 knots, vis 10km, cloud 2/8 500m 5/8 3500m temp 25, dew point 18. QNH 1004mb. Landing runway 36L. ILS approach, departure runway 36R, inform Peking Approach or Peking Ground when initial contact that you have received information M.

這是北京機場情報M,天氣報告北京時間1400,風350度8節(jié),能見度10公里,云,2/8 500米,5/8 3500米,溫度25度,露點溫度18度,QNH1004毫巴,著陸使用36號左跑道,盲降進近。起飛使用36號右跑道,當?shù)谝淮闻c北京進近或地面管制建立聯(lián)系時,通報你是否已收到了情報M。

5、This is HKG international airport information C. expect R/W 31 for landing, R/W 13 for departure, surface wind 090 at 8 knots, visibility 5km in mist, cloud 2 octers 2000 feet, 5 octers 2500 feet, temperature 18, QNH 1005mb. Acknowledge information C on frequency 119.1 for arrival, 121.6 for departure.






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